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The announcement below is being provided for informational purposes only.

PCOS Research Study Recruiting in the Chicago Area*

Earn Up to $650 for Participation
See Below for Details and Eligibility Criteria

University of Illinois at Chicago

Center for Clinical and Translational Science Clinical Research Center
912 S. Wood Street, Suite 200-S, Chicago, IL 60612

PCOS Study

Study Title

Treating Inflammation in PCOS to Ameliorate Ovarian Dysfunction

Study Description

Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) often have infrequent menstrual periods that can lead to problems becoming pregnant. They can also suffer from excessive facial and body hair or acne. Weight gain and insulin resistance are also common in PCOS. Researchers have not yet found the cause of PCOS and currently available treatments for PCOS are not always effective in some women.

It remains unclear why the ovaries malfunction in PCOS causing them to make extra male hormone, and preventing them from maturing and releasing eggs on a regular basis. Some researchers believe that insulin resistance leads to the abnormal ovarian function in PCOS. More recently, inflammation has been shown to be the cause of insulin resistance in humans. Research performed by Dr. Frank González has shown that certain nutrients such as sugars and fats trigger inflammation in women with PCOS, and that reducing inflammation with an aspirin-like medication called Salsalate lowered male hormone secretion from the ovaries, and improved ovulation in a small study of women with PCOS.

Dr. González is now conducting a larger study to further assess the IMPACT OF SALSALATE on ovarian function in PCOS.

Goals of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine how effective is treatment with Salsalate on ovarian male hormone secretion, ovulation and insulin resistance in PCOS. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of three groups receiving Salsalate, or one of three groups receiving placebo based on their body mass index (BMI) and insulin resistance status:

  • Salsalate Groups
    • Testing to measure hormone production by the ovaries
    • MRI study of the size and appearance of the ovaries
    • Collection of DNA to look for genetic markers of PCOS
  • Placebo Groups
    • Normal BMI (18-25 kg/m2) and insulin resistance
    • Normal BMI (18-25 kg/m2) and no insulin resistance
    • High BMI (30-40 kg/m2) and insulin resistance

Eligibility Criteria

  • Female
  • PCOS diagnosed by infrequent menstrual periods and excessive facial/body hair -or- acne -or- blood tests showing high male hormone levels
  • 18-40 years of age
  • Good health
  • Willingness to provide informed consent
  • Non-hormonal contraceptive use or previous sterilization to prevent pregnancy


  • Known or suspected pregnancy
  • History of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, or any other significant hormonal, reproductive, metabolic, inflammatory, immune, blood, lung, gastrointestinal, brain, liver, kidney, or urologic disorders
  • Regular use of medications that can affect metabolism, inflammation status or can interact with aspirin-like medications
  • Regular vigorous physical activity during previous 6 months
  • Women taking hormonal contraception are allowed to participate after the medication is discontinued for 6 weeks
  • Significant anemia
  • Regular smoking within the last 30 days
  • Allergies to aspirin-like medications or dairy products


Earn up to $650 for participation


University of Illinois at Chicago

Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Clinical Research Center
912 S. Wood Street
Suite 200-S
Chicago, IL 60612

Principal Investigator

Frank González, M.D.

Where to Go For Further Information and
How to Apply

Email Study Coordinator: or
Call: (312) 996-6675

PCOS Study


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