Sasha Ottey, MHA, MT (ASCP)
Founder and Executive Director, PCOS Challenge: The National Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Association

Anuja Dokras, MD, PhD
Director, PENN Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Center
PCOS Diagnosis and Management Throughout the Lifespan

Richard Legro, MD, FACOG
Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Penn State College of Medicine
Updates in PCOS Research – What we have learned in the last 10 Years

Katherine Sherif, MD
Director, Jefferson Women's Primary Care
Improving Metabolic Health in PCOS

Mark Trolice, MD, FACOG, FACS, FACE
Director, Fertility CARE – The IVF Center
PCOS and Fertility: Improving Reproductive Health

Rachana D. Shah, MD, MsTR
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Caring for Adolescents with PCOS

Felice Gersh, MD
Medical Director, Integrative Medical Group of Irvine
Integrative Care for PCOS: Putting all the Pieces Together

Angela Grassi, MS, RD, LDN
Founder, PCOS Nutrition Center
Nutrition and Supplementation for PCOS

Ricardo Azziz, MD, MPH, MBA
Immediate Past CEO, American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Virtual Speaker: Session 1

Martha McKittrick, RD, CDE, CHWC
Founder, Martha McKittrick Nutrition
Creating a Lifestyle Plan for Managing PCOS

Andrea Braverman, PhD
Associate Director of the Educational Core, Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University